Instagram's new app, Threads, surpasses 95 million posts and 50 million profiles in record timeOn Wednesday, Meta introduced Threads

Instagram's new app, Threads, surpasses 96 million posts and 51 million profiles in record time

On Wednesday, Meta introduced Threads to iOS and Android users in 100 countries, quickly propelling it to the top spot among free apps on the App Store.

Edited By: Vishal Upadhyay July 07, 2023 12:07 IST

Meta, the parent company of social media giants Facebook and Instagram, has made waves once again with the successful launch of its new app, Threads. In less than 24 hours since its debut, Threads has witnessed an astonishing surge, threads on surpassing 95 million posts and attracting over 50 million profiles, as per the exclusive internal data obtained by The Verge.

Threads, developed by Meta's Instagram team, was is  introduced to iOS and Android users in 100 countries on Wednesday, instantly soaring to the top of the App Store's free app rankings. Designed as a platform for sharing text updates and participating  in a public conversations, the platform seeks to boost connections between users with similar interests

With features similar to its parent company, Threads allows users to follow and engage with friends and creators, including individuals they already follow on Instagram. This integration has facilitated rapid adoption, as Threads garnered 2.0 million sign-ups within a mere two hours after its  launch time . The momentum continued to building , with the user count crossing to 10 million within seven hours and 30 million within just 11 hours.

The tremendous response to Threads prompted Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino to address the Twitter community, urging users to remain steadfast and 

Thread's Advantage over Twitter: 

Meta's historical success in replicating popular features from rival platforms, such as Instagram Stories (inspired by Snapchat) and Instagram Reels (inspired by TikTok), indicates its ability to capture the attention of users looking for alternatives. With a user count of 2 billion, approximately eight times the size of Twitter, Instagram's association with Threads provides a considerable advantage for Meta in terms of its global user base. 

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